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Refer a Friend to Nicholas King Homes...

Refer a Friend

If you have moved into your new Nicholas King Homes and you know of someone that would like to move to the same development, or another Nicholas King Homes development you could be in the chance of receiving £250 John Lewis Vouchers! 

All you need to do is go to any of our sales and marketing suites, fill in a form and hand into our sales executives. Once your friend or family member have legally completed on their brand new home you'll receive your vouchers!

The small print: Referrals noted after the date of your family or friends reservation date may not be valid. Vouchers will be issued once the person who has been referred have exchanged contracts and legally completed their purchase.

Our current developments offer a range of new homes in CamberleyCranleigh, and Windsor. We also have new homes coming soon to Ottershaw and Ascot

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